Investor relations
Here you will find financial information linked to the Scout Gaming share and the company's financial development. For example, you can find financial reports and regulatory press releases below.
Here you will find financial information linked to the Scout Gaming share and the company's financial development. For example, you can find financial reports and regulatory press releases below.
Org. nr 559119-1316
Adopted at the Annual General Meeting on May25th 2020
§ 1 The company's company is Scout Gaming Group AB (publ)
§ 2 The Company has its statutory seat in the municipality of Sigtuna, Stockholm County. The general meeting can also be held in the municipality of Stockholm, the Municipality of Malmö or the municipality of Vellinge.
§ 3 The company shall own, operate and develop services for online gaming, ownership and management of shares and related activities.
§ 4 The share capital shall not be less than SEK 8,000,000 and no more than SEK 32,000,000.
§ 5 The number of shares shall not be less than 200,000,000 and no more than 800,000,000.
§ 6 The Board shall consist of at least three and a maximum of eight members.
§ 7 The company has 1-2 auditors with no more than two deputy auditors. To the auditor and, as the case may be, an auditor's deputy shall be appointed an authorized auditor or a registered audit firm.
§ 8 Notice shall be made by advertising in the National and International Newspapers and on the company's website. That notice has been convened shall be announced in Svenska Dagbladet.
§ 9 The company's fiscal year shall be calendar year.
§ 10 The Annual General Meeting shall be held once a year by June. The following case shall be considered:
§ 11 The company's shares shall be registered in a record of reconciliation under the Securities Centers and Financial Instruments Act (1998: 1479).
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